While IRL sessions still seem a long way off, we’re taking to our screens to bring people together for a fun night of cutting and sticking. Led by Collage Club founder Steph Hartman, this workshop will guide attendees through a series of warm-up activities before we get stuck in with a longer composition. To brighten up 2021, our theme will be COLOUR!
Materials you’ll need:
Old magazines you’re happy to cut up- for this session, fashion mags with faces will be useful.
Colourful paper or card
You might keep card/ paper/ materials usually destined for the recycling bin to collage with
A craft mat and cutting board will be handy for intricate cutting
Do bring along anything else you want to collage with! Stickers, tape, packaging...
All abilities and experience levels are welcome. The session is intended to be a laid-back space to experiment with collage and embrace the therapeutic nature of cutting and sticking. There will be plenty of visual inspiration to get your ideas flowing and Steph will be on hand with tips and tricks when it comes to materials and composition creation!
Tickets are limited. Choose between a ticket only, or ticket + paper pack option. A Zoom link will be sent to you ahead of the workshop. Book in advance here.